Blog Your Way to Long Tail Success
In keeping with the theme of Michael’s earlier post called Links vs Content and Long Tail vs Short Tail Keywords, Michael discusses the differences between long tail and short tail keywords, as well as links versus content. I have had a few people ask me how to best attempt to capture long tail searchers, and […]
Overture Keyword Tool Resurrected, 3 Source Keyword Tool is Back!
Overture’s Keyword Tool was declared dead by many, then Yahoo said it wasn’t dead yet, and now I can confirm it has been resurrected. Before it took FOREVER to load, and would often time out. Now, it runs like a charm. But don’t use it there, you can access not only Overture’s Keyword Tool from […]
Keywords – More Than Meets the Eye
When you were a kid, did you ever have one of these transformers? I had several transformers and even loved watching the cartoon. A transformer, like Optimus Prime, would be a semi-truck at first, but then you could move the pieces around and make it into a robot machine. The tagline for Transformers was, “Transformers, […]