6 Steps to Effortless SEO

What’s the easiest way to make fast cash with search engine optimization (SEO)? If we knew that, we would be too rich to lower ourselves to write blog posts like this.
Google Helps You With Mother's Day
I was trying to figure out for sure if Mother’s Day was this Sunday or the next, so of course I went to Google. Thankfully Google knows when holidays are, albeit they use Wikipedia. So now I know, Mother’s day is May 11th. And you know too (so get her something!).
SEO and the Presidential Candidates, Part 2
With the Presidential primaries well under way, it’s time for a follow-up to my March 2007 post about how the Presidential candidates rate for SEO. Conveniently the same top 3 candidates in both parties are both considered the top 3 candidates, so I’m going to stick with the same in my new analysis (Democrats: Barack […]
What the Customer Actually Wanted
LinkedIn Wants Me to Accept or Deny Jesus?
I’ve always enjoyed LinkedIn, but I’m not sure about this new feature. They want me to Accept or Deny Jesus?
New RSS Reader by Apple for Windows (and a sweet, fast browser)
You’ve used Google Reader and BlogLines, but have you used Safari? Safari has been my RSS Reader (and browser) of choice ever since its debut years ago, but now its available for Windows as well! It’s not a web-based reader like others, but you can read, search, and sort all of your RSS feeds offline […]
Happy Birthday to Aaron!
It’s a big day for Aaron here at SoloSEO! Happy Birthday! Aaron has been such a great inspiration and motivation to me. He is an amazing entrepreneur and an amazing dad to his family. I hope you have an awesome birthday Aaron! You deserve it!
Don’t April Fools Yourself
I always have to try something to get my wife on April Fools, so this year was no different. Turning the clocks forward 6 hours didn’t work because I missed a clock and her cell phone. I went so far as to feed the kids hot dogs for breakfast, convincing them they slept in and […]
How do the Presidential Candidates Rate for SEO?
A recent article posted on Slashdot looked at various website design points of the top 6 Presidential Candidates. Here I compare SEO statistics of the top 6 Presidential Candidates’ websites: Hillary Clinton, John Edwards, Barack Obama, Rudy Giuliani, Mitt Romney, and John McCain.
What do the Presidential Candidates use for Analytics?
I thought it would be interesting to look at all of the top presidential candidates and see what they are using for analytics for their site. I visited each site, viewed source, and looked for Javascript code or any other trace of analytics code I could find.
Meet your Local SEOs
If you don’t already know SEOs that live around you, use your search engine superpowers to find them, then contact them and meet up for an hour and get to know each other. It’s fun!
The Missing MyBlogLog Tools – Get More from MyBlogLog
The Missing MyBlogLog Tools, created by SoloSEO.com, give you a new way to harness the power of MyBlogLog. These tools let you compare and find contacts and communities in a new and powerful way. Our tools go beyond the basic searching and browsing available at MyBlogLog by relying on the networks created between MyBlogLog users […]
Santa’s Favorite Cookie Rematch, with New Contenders
I was called out by Lisa Barone on my experiment to find out what was Santa’s Favorite Cookie, suggesting that Santa’s favorite cookie was not the Chocolate Chip Cookie, but rather the Sugar Cookie. Of course Lisa didn’t run the test as I suggested (or didn’t publish the results), so I thought I would do […]
Google Reveals Santa’s Favorite Cookie
My 5-year old son asked me this year, “What is Santa’s favorite cookie”? Like most questions that I can’t officially answer, I turned to Google. Before I reveal Santa’s Favorite Cookie (no peeking down below!) let me share the 5 experiments I carried out using Google to identify Santa’s favorite cookie, along with each experiment’s […]