Tips for Making a Killer Blog Post

You used to make fun of bloggers, didn’t you? Even up until a few years ago, the “blogosphere” was seen as the last refuge of the modern crackpot. The typical blogger, in your mind, was an ageing 30-something or 40-something year old man ranting about an obscure political cause while living in his parent’s basement. […]
Why I Blog (5 Reasons)…
I have never liked tag games very much as a kid. It was mostly due to the fact that I was too fat and slow as a youngster to really catch anyone, so I frequently spent most of my early years as “it.” For the most part it was the mean, fast kids who would […]
5 Reasons Why I Blog
I was recently tagged by Jaan Kanellis in a blog meme that has been circling around the blogosphere. The “theme” of the blog meme is “Why I Blog”, and as it goes traditionally, name 5 things and tag 5 other bloggers. As with the last blog meme I have created a Blog Meme Tracker. You […]
Blog Meme Tracker – Why Do You Blog?
With another game of blog tag coming around the SEO blogosphere, we have again created a page to track the blog meme. The first time we did this we created the blog tag tree for the “5 Things You Didn’t Know About Me” question. This time the question is “Why Do You Blog?”, and you […]
A Corporate Blog Makes You Linkable
I was reading a post by Rand Fishkin about the “secret” that’s not really a secret for ranking. Essentially the secret is linkable content.