Value of Short-Term SEO Goals

SEOs tend to get infatuated with the latest tricks and techniques published on the hottest blogs. And while it’s enjoyable (and often extremely useful) to check out what other people are doing and to reassess your own process and projects, too much of this “blue-skying” can lead you down the road to severe anxiety and […]
A Brilliant SEO Tip for Getting Links

Links. They are a key currency for any great SEO campaign. But how do you get them? Who do you get them from? How much time will it take you? And how do you maximize the investment of your resources so that you get the best, most SEO friendly links for the amount of time/money/energy […]
The Missing Twitter Tools
Twitter has become a part of my every day life. When I first tried it, I thought it was a complete and utter waste of time. Nine months later I decided to give it another chance, and now I see the light. Twitter is great for networking, sharing links, getting ideas, connecting and meeting with […]
International SEO in 1 minute
International SEO has been a topic at recent SEO conferences, and one that we’ve discussed here before. One aspect of doing International SEO is having your content available in other languages. Hiring a translator to translate your blog is cost prohibitive for most bloggers, running $50-$250 for each language per post.
Announcing, Free Service for Local Businesses
I’m excited to announce a new free service I developed for local businesses, Local Search is one of the newest verticals in the search industry bringing with it the convergence of offline (local) businesses and online search. has a real solution to one of the biggest problems facing local businesses: online customer reviews.
Free SEO Tool: XML Sitemap Ping Tool
All the major search engines (Google, Yahoo!, MSN/Live, and Ask) use the XML Sitemaps protocol for getting URLs from websites. Of course they all still use good old-fashioned crawling, but the XML sitemap can be helpful for getting new content indexed quicker and also helping spot errors using other tools the search engines offer. Simply […]
Specialized Search is Simple Economics
There has been much speculation about how personal and local search, which I term “Specialized Search,” will affect search marketing strategies in the future. Although it feels recent, the discussion of more specialized search systems really started to heat up back in 2004, when Google’s Sergey Brin made comments concerning Google’s foray into Specialized Search […]
Local Search is Changed Forever – Now Google Knows Where You Are
Instead of showing you restaurants, hotels, and stores related to your keyword search, now Google automatically knows where you are at. How?
IndexRank – A New SEO Metric of Indexing Rate
How do you measure the success of your content strategy? How do you compare your website’s growth with your competitors?
In SEO – Be A Tortoise, Forget the Hare.
On Aaron Wall’s site, Aaron Wall makes a statement which makes me chuckle every time I read it, not because it isn’t somewhat true, but because I can imagine how it must drive others crazy. Aaron states,
Where are your priorities in SEO?
If you are a small business and you don’t read the Small Business SEM blog, it’s time to start. Matt McGee is one of my favorite SEO bloggers out there, he shares great search marketing insights and great finds in all of his blog reading. A recent post that was really a letter to small […]
SEO Strategies for Specific Markets
Even with the best SEO tools at our finger tips, our sites cannot perform well if we don’t optimize our sites to perform within specific online markets. We talk much about how SEO is a process, and it is, the steps are the same for every site, but what we focus on within the SEO […]
Hey Businesses… Its about Blogging time.
A good friend of mine, Thayne Peterson, called up yesterday and asked what he should do with his website to just help it perform a bit better. As you can imagine we get that question quite a bit around here, especially now that more people have kind of figured out what SoloSEO is about. This […]
SEO – Vital to Small Business
To small business owners, SEO cannot be seen as the “end all – be all” to their potential success, but it rightfully should be considered a “must do” in order to maximize their full business potential. Based on our own situation, and finally deciding ourselves we needed to spend time on SEO, we now understand […]
Getting Started in Domaining (and a Domain Finding Trick)
I’ve been diving into domaining activities recently, mostly reading, some bidding, and some buying. It is a very interesting field, and it opens a lot of doors in terms of return on investment. You could develop a site with a domain and grow it, quickly resell it, or just let it sit and sell it […]
Easy Robots.txt Builder
Clickability has created a really nice Robots.txt Builder that helps you to configure your Robots.txt file. You can easily build a Robots.txt file to disallow robots into your file structure. There are options for easily adding web search robots, image search, contextual ads, web archivers, and even “bad robots”. The bad robots puts in a […]
Yes, you SHOULD Submit a Sitemap to Google
While others have spoken against submitting your sitemap to Google et al., I am going to stand up for sitemaps all across the web, and give you several good reasons for having a sitemap (now you can do sitemap autodiscovery instead of submitting).
How to Configure Sitemap Autodiscovery in Robots.txt
At Search Engine Strategies New York it was announced that you can now have your sitemap automatically discovered by configuring it in your Robots.txt file. It is simple and easy to do, you’ll just need to know the URL or web address of your sitemap.
1-800-GOOG-411 Another Reason for Local Search SEO
I am surprised I didn’t hear about this from any typical news source, but Google has launched a 411 information service powered by their local search engine.
Top 5 Useful and Free SEO e-Books
Originally I wanted this post to be titled, “Top 10 Useful and Free SEO e-Books”, but I was surprised to find very few worthwhile free SEO e-Books, even when I enlisted the help of several SEO experts/friends! I had to dig more into “Internet Marketing” but SEO is such an umbrella term now that I […]
SEO around the globe
SoloSEO has been quite a surprise. When we launched last November, we had no idea the draw a stand alone SEO system would have, nor the level of interest it would generate. It has been truly a whirlwind. We did some quick figuring the other day and discovered that domains from over 40 different countries […]
What do the Presidential Candidates use for Analytics?
I thought it would be interesting to look at all of the top presidential candidates and see what they are using for analytics for their site. I visited each site, viewed source, and looked for Javascript code or any other trace of analytics code I could find.
Bloggers Lack Respect
Due to our launch of SoloSEO and our foray into blogging, I have been more sensitive to the plight of all bloggers, and to the generally less than optimum reputation of bloggers. I knew about blogging before our launch, and I got a sense from the talking heads of TV land, and the faceless voices […]
Overture Keyword Tool Resurrected, 3 Source Keyword Tool is Back!
Overture’s Keyword Tool was declared dead by many, then Yahoo said it wasn’t dead yet, and now I can confirm it has been resurrected. Before it took FOREVER to load, and would often time out. Now, it runs like a charm. But don’t use it there, you can access not only Overture’s Keyword Tool from […]
Know your competitors, before they know you.
Many see SEO strategies as a process which is only used when you are constructing your web site, or after launch to improve the site performance in SERPs, but SEO tools can also be used effectively to analyze prospective markets, even before a decision is made to start competing in a particular market.
10 Reasons to use Paid SEO Tools instead of Free SEO Tools
If you take a step back and look at it, the SEO industry is rather odd. SEO experts who are paid thousands of dollars by companies will also freely share tips, tricks, principles, pricing structures, and SEO advice. Then we come to the tools, where there are literally thousands of free SEO tools spread across […]
New Competitive SEO Report at
Watching your competition is an important part of SEO and it can take quite a bit of work to stay on top of it all. We are excited to announce that SoloSEO now includes a powerful Competitive SEO Report to compare your SEO statistics and rankings with your competitors. The report is included with a […]
Out SEO Your Competition
We all know SEO assists a site to perform better in the SERPs (Search Engine Results Pages), but the reasons people SEO can differ. Some just want to share their knowledge with the world and aren’t selling anything, (like in informational blogs), some want to rank as an authoritative site to increase the revenue in […]
SEO vs. Paid Search Marketing Clash
If you have not gone over and read about the tussle between Dave Pasternack and SEO pros, you must take a minute to review it, it has been quite entertaining. Our friend Michael Gray has jumped in with both feet, and his post called Dave Pasternack of – How to Fix Your Problem is […]
5 Minute SEO for Your Blog
Your blog is an important part of your business, so why not optimize it with the rest of your site? You’d be surprised by how many people, even big names in SEO, don’t fully optimize their blogs. I’m obviously not the first to write on this topic, but I have some of my own ideas […] – Better than Hitwise, Alexa, and Combined? is a new “Open Internet Ratings Service” that I learned about from Paul Allen. It’s a free service that looks nice, runs quick, seems to have a good amount of data, but with questionable accuracy. Quantcast says this about their service:
Google… You’re Not The Boss of Me!
I ran into a buddy of mine the other day, and during our “catching up” conversation, the topic eventually turned to his manufacturing business, and I asked him if he felt his site contributed positively to his company’s strategic vision. He quickly began complaining about how they couldn’t figure out how to be ranked organically […]
The Missing MyBlogLog Tools – Get More from MyBlogLog
The Missing MyBlogLog Tools, created by, give you a new way to harness the power of MyBlogLog. These tools let you compare and find contacts and communities in a new and powerful way. Our tools go beyond the basic searching and browsing available at MyBlogLog by relying on the networks created between MyBlogLog users […]
How to Optimize your Search Engine Snippets
In search engine optimization it can be easy to overlook search engine snippets (you know, the smaller text below the title when you get your search results). All of us care a lot about rankings, conversions, and backlinks, but what about that first opportunity to tell a potential reader something with a search engine snippet?
Your Mom Can Understand SEO Too.
I have the opportunity to discuss SEO quite a bit, even my mom wants to understand SEO and our newest venture. However, within seconds of me starting the SEO intro, I get the look I give my dentist when he informs me of my next pending root canal. In these SEO discussions rarely does anyone […]
New SEO Tool – Backlink Anchor Text Analyzer
Last week we announced a new tool every day (except New Year’s), and we thought we’d kick off this week with one more tool announcement. We just finished the “Backlink Anchor Text Analyzer”, and are excited for you to start using it. This tool checks the backlinks for your site (or any site), and then […]
New SEO Tool – Search Engine Viewer
In SEO we spend so much time improving our rankings, getting links, optimizing content, and watching competitors (all good things), but it is easy to neglect optimizing the actual listing of each page in the search engines. The “Search Engine Viewer” is just that tool. And more than just showing you how it looks, we […]
New SEO Tool – Top Subpages Tool
This week we have announced a new tool each day, starting with the dead link checker that checks your site for internal and outbound links that point to a dead (not working) URL. Next we announced the XML Sitemap Generator now integrated with SoloSEO, so with just a click of a button you can create […]
New SEO Tool – XML Sitemap Generator
Today’s new tool in SoloSEO is an integrated XML Sitemap Generator. Previously you just had to create your own, now we’ll do it for you! All you have to do is initiate the process by clicking a button, and the Sitemap is created while you go on with your SEO. We’ve made it easy to […]
New SEO Tool – Dead Link Checker Tool
This week we are announcing a new tool each day (so stay tuned by subscribing). Today’s new tool is the “Dead Link Checker” tool. Many of you have probably seen Google’s tool (inside Google Webmaster Central) that reports pages on your site that can’t be found in their crawl. Although this is helpful, it falls […]