The Importance of Blogging for Increased Traffic
With all the changes in the Google algorithm over the years, one thing has remained consistent when Google determines the quality or relevance of a site, and that is content. If fact, some experts believe Google has effectively been able to reduce the gaming of rankings so much, that content has actually become more important […]
Value of Short-Term SEO Goals
SEOs tend to get infatuated with the latest tricks and techniques published on the hottest blogs. And while it’s enjoyable (and often extremely useful) to check out what other people are doing and to reassess your own process and projects, too much of this “blue-skying” can lead you down the road to severe anxiety and […]
Defining your SEO Core Competency – and Sticking to It!
What is a “core competency”? Simply put, it is the kind of work that you do best. We all wear multiple hats at our jobs. If you’re a journalist, you’re not only a writer but you’re also a reporter, a networker, a self promoter, and in some senses a psychologist (especially to your interview subjects) […]
The Paradox of Choice — How to Narrow your Options of SEO Techniques and SEO Strategies
As you research SEO techniques and strategies, it’s easy to blow a gasket. Hop from blog to blog on this stuff, and you will be inundated with facts, figures, promises, and warnings. Build content. Get inbound links. Submit to directories. Be on social networks. Twitter your brains out. So on and so forth. And that’s […]
Tips for Making a Killer Blog Post
You used to make fun of bloggers, didn’t you? Even up until a few years ago, the “blogosphere” was seen as the last refuge of the modern crackpot. The typical blogger, in your mind, was an ageing 30-something or 40-something year old man ranting about an obscure political cause while living in his parent’s basement. […]
Great Read: How to Get an Influencer’s Attention
Every so often I read a blog post or article that really impresses me, and that happened this morning with Tamar Weinberg’s (@tamar on Twitter) post called How to Get an Influencer’s Attention over at Techipedia. She obviously put a lot of time into it, and received back a lot of noteworthy responses. Not only are […]
Finding Motivation When You’re “Not Feeling It”
SEO is rough, let’s face it. One minute, you feel like you’ve found the key to long-term wealth and high keyword rankings. The next minute, you read an article that makes you rethink your entire plan. It’s easy to get caught up in the emotional roller coaster — changes in attitude that can disrupt your […]
SEO 101: How to crank out content for SEO
It is a cliché in the SEO world that “content is king” – that to feed the hungry search engine beasts of Google, Yahoo!, and Bing, you need to churn out targeted, keyword focused, and most of all useful content. This leads to the long-term passive pay-off that is the SEO pot of gold.
The Only Constant Online is Change.
As many of you know, Michael and I have put a great deal of time and effort into building SoloSEO as an important service, a recognizable brand, while hopefully providing our clients the best Do-It-Yourself SEO tools available. We were the first to offer a comprehensive set of online SEO tools, all located in one […]
Is Blogging For You? Heck, Is Blogging For Me?
I have blogged here regularly in the past, I could easily see blogging was a pretty great idea, especially to generate new content for a site you want to start ranking well. I still think blogging is an excellent method to add content to a site, we have seen the benefit of content with, […]
Instant Testimonial Page, Just Add Blog Post
Recently I noticed a few backlinks to our blog coming from HitTail, a long tail keyword tool. Instead of being some spammer that puts up a temporary post that pings our blog, HitTail is collecting “testimonials” about their service from virtually any blog (that pings it), and delivering this list in a nice clean way. […]
Hey Businesses… Its about Blogging time.
A good friend of mine, Thayne Peterson, called up yesterday and asked what he should do with his website to just help it perform a bit better. As you can imagine we get that question quite a bit around here, especially now that more people have kind of figured out what SoloSEO is about. This […]
The Marketing 4 Ps and SEO
Much of a discussion on marketing can be broken down into what is termed “The Marketing Mix, or the 4 Ps” namely; Product, Price, Place, Promotion. Product being the service or product we sell, Price being the retail price a customer will pay for the product, Place being the locale where the product is purchased […]
The Increasing Importance of Content
To really get an understanding of what good content is about and why it is so important, Copyblogger is a great site to visit. I subscribe to their blog and really find the advice and examples offered extremely helpful when it comes time for me to sit down and write. And because content will always […]
SEO “Blog Posters” vs “Article Bloggers”
Jakob Nielsen at has posted a thorough, authoritative article titled Write Articles, Not Blog Postings. I highly recommend the read for anyone who has a blog, hopes to have a blog, or reads blogs (did I leave anyone out?).
Why You Should Love Yahoo! Answers
Just over a year ago Danny sullivan said “Look out Wikipedia, Here Comes Yahoo! Answers”. Yahoo! Answers is becoming not only a great resource, but also a social network (who isn’t, right?). I like Yahoo! Answers because people ask real questions and often get a handful or more of responses.
Blog Your Way to Long Tail Success
In keeping with the theme of Michael’s earlier post called Links vs Content and Long Tail vs Short Tail Keywords, Michael discusses the differences between long tail and short tail keywords, as well as links versus content. I have had a few people ask me how to best attempt to capture long tail searchers, and […]
SEO and Widgets, Review the SoloSEO Blog
Todd (StuntDubl – SEO Consultant) brought my attention to an interesting widget that lets you put in your own rating of a blog. The widget is still in beta but appears to be working well and to be a neat widget.
Why I Blog (5 Reasons)…
I have never liked tag games very much as a kid. It was mostly due to the fact that I was too fat and slow as a youngster to really catch anyone, so I frequently spent most of my early years as “it.” For the most part it was the mean, fast kids who would […]
5 Reasons Why I Blog
I was recently tagged by Jaan Kanellis in a blog meme that has been circling around the blogosphere. The “theme” of the blog meme is “Why I Blog”, and as it goes traditionally, name 5 things and tag 5 other bloggers. As with the last blog meme I have created a Blog Meme Tracker. You […]
Blog Meme Tracker – Why Do You Blog?
With another game of blog tag coming around the SEO blogosphere, we have again created a page to track the blog meme. The first time we did this we created the blog tag tree for the “5 Things You Didn’t Know About Me” question. This time the question is “Why Do You Blog?”, and you […]
SEO for the Rest of Us – The Newsletter
This morning we sent out our first SoloSEO newsletter. Our newsletter’s main title is “SEO for the Rest of Us”, and anyone interested in learning and doing SEO, from beginner to professional, can benefit from the content we deliver.
A Corporate Blog Makes You Linkable
I was reading a post by Rand Fishkin about the “secret” that’s not really a secret for ranking. Essentially the secret is linkable content.
SEO around the globe
SoloSEO has been quite a surprise. When we launched last November, we had no idea the draw a stand alone SEO system would have, nor the level of interest it would generate. It has been truly a whirlwind. We did some quick figuring the other day and discovered that domains from over 40 different countries […]
How to Get a Double Listing in Google
The following are some steps on how to get double listing in Google. Step 1 – Pick a topic that you can write a series of posts/articles on. Step 2 – Start each post with the same topic name. Step 3 – Give each post its own unique title appended to the topic name. Step […]
Nobody Logged Into MyBlogLog Anymore?
From all of my daily blog browsing, as well as watching our own blog, I don’t think many people are logged into MyBlogLog anymore. I know several blogs that used to have MyBlogLog on their sidebar, but don’t anymore.
Bloggers Lack Respect
Due to our launch of SoloSEO and our foray into blogging, I have been more sensitive to the plight of all bloggers, and to the generally less than optimum reputation of bloggers. I knew about blogging before our launch, and I got a sense from the talking heads of TV land, and the faceless voices […]
Jumping on Keywords When they are Hot
Recently a big story hit the news about Google modifying their algorithm to fix googlebombing. When news hit, my first instinct was to start buying PPC ads for classic googlebombing phrases, like miserable failure. It was a good instinct, as we got some decent traffic from our market audience who, just like me, needed to […]
5 Minute SEO for Your Blog
Your blog is an important part of your business, so why not optimize it with the rest of your site? You’d be surprised by how many people, even big names in SEO, don’t fully optimize their blogs. I’m obviously not the first to write on this topic, but I have some of my own ideas […]
Starting your SEO business: 5 Steps to Getting New SEO Clients
Starting your own SEO business is an exciting new adventure. This is the first of a series of tips, steps, lessons, and tutorials on how to start your own SEO business. One of the many aspects of starting out as an SEO is finding clients. We’ve put together a list of five steps to start […]
The Missing MyBlogLog Tools – Get More from MyBlogLog
The Missing MyBlogLog Tools, created by, give you a new way to harness the power of MyBlogLog. These tools let you compare and find contacts and communities in a new and powerful way. Our tools go beyond the basic searching and browsing available at MyBlogLog by relying on the networks created between MyBlogLog users […]
How to Optimize your Search Engine Snippets
In search engine optimization it can be easy to overlook search engine snippets (you know, the smaller text below the title when you get your search results). All of us care a lot about rankings, conversions, and backlinks, but what about that first opportunity to tell a potential reader something with a search engine snippet?
Free Advertising on TechCrunch with MyBlogLog Flaw
MyBlogLog has become hugely popular and was even acquired by Yahoo recently, but I recently discovered a flaw that can easily be exploited by anyone in less than 60 seconds and create free advertising on TechCrunch (and hundreds of other sites). Please don’t do this, or even try this, as it is spammy. If […]
5 Things You Didn’t Know About Michael Jensen
While I didn’t originate the blog tag, I did create the blog tag tree. It has been a lot of fun to see it being so useful. I like how it (1) helps you know who’s been tagged or not, (2) lets you see who knows who, (3) and makes it real easy to get […]
The Blog Tag Tree
Blog Tag, A Game for a Virtual Cocktail Party was started by Jeff Pulver on December 10th, and has spread quickly and massively. Today I noticed it hit the SEO world with GrayWolf, then Lisa Barone and Rebecca and Rand.
If you don’t have a Company Blog, Get One
Do you really have time for a blog? Running a company is enough to keep you busy, and then some. Let’s get outside of the company for a minute, and think of what at least some portion of your customers are looking for. They want transparency, to see what the company is really like, to […]