The Importance of Social Media for SEO

The way that Google ranks websites may be quite complex, but one thing is for sure these days: your social media marketing and SEO are now highly interconnected. Simply put, if you have a website and want it to rank high on Google search results, you should pay attention to social media sites, such as […]
How to Correctly Implement Mobile SEO

With mobile internet browsing slowly overtaking desktop and laptop browsing, business owners and marketing experts alike are switching to mobile ideas that can revolutionize how search engine optimization works. Many of the successful eCommerce businesses such as Amazon and Apple have already begun to cater their strategies towards captivating a market of individuals that browse their products […]
Google RankBrain: Everything You Need to Know About Google’s New Search Algorithm

Google recently released a new search algorithm known as the Google RankBrain, and many people are already asking questions about it. The main purpose of this algorithm is fairly simple, so there is no need to worry that it will cause any serious upheavals in anyone’s daily online routine. Here we will cover the basics of […]
Mobilegeddon and SEO – Why You Should Care

Mobilegeddon sounds pretty scary, right? But should you be scared? Absolutely! If your site is not up to speed on being mobile friendly, it’s time to kick that mobile website into gear. In March and April of 2015 alone there was a 4.7% increase in mobile friendly sites across the Internet, meaning a lot of people were […]
The Importance of Blogging for Increased Traffic

With all the changes in the Google algorithm over the years, one thing has remained consistent when Google determines the quality or relevance of a site, and that is content. If fact, some experts believe Google has effectively been able to reduce the gaming of rankings so much, that content has actually become more important […]
Delivering Value from SEO for People as well as for Search Engines

SEOs come in all colors. The black hats game the system. The gray hats sort of game the system. The white hats play by the rules. SEOs constantly assess the mood of Mother Google (as well as the lesser search engines, such as Yahoo!, Ask, etc). And, yes, it pays to pay attention to what […]
The Power of Persistence in SEO: Seriously, it may be all you need

Doing SEO is hard. It’s long. It’s challenging. It’s technical. There is so much out there that you don’t know. Tap into any informed blog about the topic, and you will be hit with a firehouse of information. Whether you are building your first website, or your sixteenth, you can rest assured that you haven’t […]
Organization: Why your SEO plan may fall flat without it

The forces of order and chaos are always at war, as anyone who has read (or watched) Lord of the Rings or Tim Burton’s new Alice in Wonderland sequel will tell you. On the one hand, SEOs must have structure — guidelines that keep you focused on your goals and principles. On the other hand, […]
Value of Short-Term SEO Goals

SEOs tend to get infatuated with the latest tricks and techniques published on the hottest blogs. And while it’s enjoyable (and often extremely useful) to check out what other people are doing and to reassess your own process and projects, too much of this “blue-skying” can lead you down the road to severe anxiety and […]
Defining your SEO Core Competency – and Sticking to It!

What is a “core competency”? Simply put, it is the kind of work that you do best. We all wear multiple hats at our jobs. If you’re a journalist, you’re not only a writer but you’re also a reporter, a networker, a self promoter, and in some senses a psychologist (especially to your interview subjects) […]
The Paradox of Choice — How to Narrow your Options of SEO Techniques and SEO Strategies

As you research SEO techniques and strategies, it’s easy to blow a gasket. Hop from blog to blog on this stuff, and you will be inundated with facts, figures, promises, and warnings. Build content. Get inbound links. Submit to directories. Be on social networks. Twitter your brains out. So on and so forth. And that’s […]
Do’s and Don’ts of Outsourcing for SEO

Your SEO process is jammed. You want to speed things up, get things moving down the pipeline, and delegate the grunt-work that’s gobbling up your time. Outsourcing can obviously leverage your resources/budget — if you do it correctly, that is.
Tips for Making a Killer Blog Post

You used to make fun of bloggers, didn’t you? Even up until a few years ago, the “blogosphere” was seen as the last refuge of the modern crackpot. The typical blogger, in your mind, was an ageing 30-something or 40-something year old man ranting about an obscure political cause while living in his parent’s basement. […]
7 Ways to Go Broke Doing SEO

So you want to go broke on the Internet? The good news: it’s easy. This article will provide a step-by-step way of burning through massive piles of cash on an ineffective SEO approach.
6 Steps to Effortless SEO

What’s the easiest way to make fast cash with search engine optimization (SEO)? If we knew that, we would be too rich to lower ourselves to write blog posts like this.
Saying No to Unfair SEO Client Demands

As an entrepreneur and SEO professional, you crave credibility and good relationships. This is all well and good. To nourish any business relationship, you should go “the extra mile” – not just because it’s savvy business but also because it’s the right thing to do.
SEO: If you can’t do it at all, what do you do?

SEOs typically find themselves between Scylla and Charybdis. On one hand, you absolutely, desperately, 100% must leverage the power of the web for your business through some dynamic SEO strategy. On the other hand, you can’t possibly master all of the tactical nuances of things like Facebook marketing, twittering, website building, PPC advertising, and the […]
Short-term SEO – Tactical Shots to Generate Traffic Spikes

Enough with the schtick about persistence, dedication, strategy, and patience. You want a fast acting SEO solution and you want it bad. While battle proven SEOs tend to frown upon the shortsighted path, every once in a while it’s nice to break down and give in and do something crazy. Kind of like cheating on […]
A Brilliant SEO Tip for Getting Links

Links. They are a key currency for any great SEO campaign. But how do you get them? Who do you get them from? How much time will it take you? And how do you maximize the investment of your resources so that you get the best, most SEO friendly links for the amount of time/money/energy […]
Great Read: How to Get an Influencer’s Attention

Every so often I read a blog post or article that really impresses me, and that happened this morning with Tamar Weinberg’s (@tamar on Twitter) post called How to Get an Influencer’s Attention over at Techipedia. She obviously put a lot of time into it, and received back a lot of noteworthy responses. Not only are […]
Finding Motivation When You’re “Not Feeling It”

SEO is rough, let’s face it. One minute, you feel like you’ve found the key to long-term wealth and high keyword rankings. The next minute, you read an article that makes you rethink your entire plan. It’s easy to get caught up in the emotional roller coaster — changes in attitude that can disrupt your […]
SEO 101: How to crank out content for SEO

It is a cliché in the SEO world that “content is king” – that to feed the hungry search engine beasts of Google, Yahoo!, and Bing, you need to churn out targeted, keyword focused, and most of all useful content. This leads to the long-term passive pay-off that is the SEO pot of gold.
The Only Constant Online is Change.

As many of you know, Michael and I have put a great deal of time and effort into building SoloSEO as an important service, a recognizable brand, while hopefully providing our clients the best Do-It-Yourself SEO tools available. We were the first to offer a comprehensive set of online SEO tools, all located in one […]
Twitter & SEO Keyword Research Tools

As some of you know, I have recently been trying to get into Twitter. It has been a very interesting ride. I have met many incredible people, and learned much about a variety of business models and ideas. The Twitter community is growing rapidly with Mashable reporting an astounding 752% increase in 2008. Many project […]
9 Steps to Land & Keep Fortune 500 Clients

I’ve been inspired today by a post written by Demian Farnworth entitled: What a Cocky CEO Can Teach You About World-Class Blogging. The post was excellent, and as a small business creator and owner, I loved the points made in the blog on keeping our companies “focused, lean, fast.” Embracing these attributes usually keeps you […]
Can Twitter Help Small Business?

In my attempt to learn and grow, I have really focused on being a participant of Twitter the last week. It isn’t something I am comfortable with, I prefer to avoid the public eye, I prefer the shadows and the back row, to the sunlight and the attention. I wasn’t always this anti-social, it has […]
How to Implement “Canonical Tag” To Reduce Duplicate Content

The Big 3 search engines have agreed on a meta tag standard for identifying a page’s “permalink” or “Canonical URL”. One problem a lot of sites experience is having the same content show up with different URLs due to search features, categories, etc. This can hurt your pages and your site, and so having this […]
Google Analytics on your iPhone with Analytics App
We’ve developed a new iPhone app that I think you and all SEOs with iPhones will love. The new Analytics App for the iPhone and iPod Touch gives you anywhere access to your Google Analytics data. I had a lunch meeting the other day with a buddy of mine that I’m helping do some PPC […]
SMX West Next Week, Great for Beginner SEOs
If you haven’t immersed yourself in a bunch of SEO reading but really want to push yourself to get into SEO, I’d highly recommend attending an SEO conference. There are many to choose from, and next week there is SMX West in Santa Clara, CA. It’s a great location, and the agenda covers everything you […]
Writing Fake Customer Reviews
I’m a huge Dilbert fan. The artist, Scott Adams has a way of just nailing real life business things right on the head.
Search Engine Marketing’s Best Posts in 2008
For anyone starting out in SEO, or looking to sharpen their skills, it can be overwhelming the number of resources to digest.
Facebook, Good or Bad for Business?
I have to be completely honest going into this, I am not a big fan of Facebook for personal use. I had a personal Facebook page for a while, my school kind of did this blitz to all alumni and encouraged us to set up a Facebook profile, within the school group. It was ok […]
5 Ways to Get Visitors Coming Back Every Day
Launching “Link Bait” is a new and popular strategy for gaining traffic and links (and hopefully conversions), but one of the problems is that one visit isn’t enough! I’d like to discuss 5 ways to help keep your visitors coming back every day, besides just posting more often and having good content! Before I get […]
Should I Use Local Keywords in Content?
Small business owners going online need to consider just how local their keywords need to be when creating their content. If I was a business owner who had a brick and mortar location, with items for sale to the public, I would be including all kinds of local terms in as much content as possible, […]
Is Blogging For You? Heck, Is Blogging For Me?
I have blogged here regularly in the past, I could easily see blogging was a pretty great idea, especially to generate new content for a site you want to start ranking well. I still think blogging is an excellent method to add content to a site, we have seen the benefit of content with, […]
6 Signs Your Website Has Been SEO'd
If you have hired an SEO firm, you may not know what to look for to check and see if your SEO firm is working hard at doing the SEO. Here are 6 signs to look for to know if they are making progress in SEO. If you don’t see most of these, call them […]
Local Search Ranking Factors Report
An excellent report on factors that affect rankings in local search was released today by David Mihm ( and @davidmihm). I was happy to participate as a contributor to the report, particularly with my interest in local search marketing and online customer reviews.
The Missing Twitter Tools
Twitter has become a part of my every day life. When I first tried it, I thought it was a complete and utter waste of time. Nine months later I decided to give it another chance, and now I see the light. Twitter is great for networking, sharing links, getting ideas, connecting and meeting with […]
Tracking Twitter Traffic Trick
Twitter has become a great place to network, vent, and share links, including your own blog posts. But how do you quantify the traffic you are getting from Twitter, especially if people are using applications like Twhirl, or even a mobile phone? I’ve got a special trick for you, and it’s really easy to do!
Search Engine Marketing Scholarship Begins
Andy Beal at opened up the 3rd annual Search Engine Marketing Scholarship, open to anyone who wants to write an article about SEO, PPC, or SMO (social media optimization) and have a chance at more than $10,000 worth of prizes! Beyond writing the article, your next task is to get your article some traffic! […]
LiveTwitting is a new way to cover conferences, events, and meetings using Twitter and With the ease and simplicity of Twitter, you can cover sessions just like before but now in real time.
Feedburner Drop? Don't Worry, Your Subscribers Are Back
In case you were concerned with your blog, like I was, with a mass exodus of Feedburner subscribers, @AndyBeal helped me figure it out this morning through Twitter (you can follow me if you want @mdjensen), which I am coming to see its importance more and more.
Google Helps You With Mother's Day
I was trying to figure out for sure if Mother’s Day was this Sunday or the next, so of course I went to Google. Thankfully Google knows when holidays are, albeit they use Wikipedia. So now I know, Mother’s day is May 11th. And you know too (so get her something!).
Content is Forever
Although I’ve known it all along, these three words sunk into my mind during a business meeting last night: “Content is Forever“. I thought of all the investments you can make in SEO, your site design, site organization, links, etc. Those things can change and “die”, but your content can live forever.
International SEO in 1 minute
International SEO has been a topic at recent SEO conferences, and one that we’ve discussed here before. One aspect of doing International SEO is having your content available in other languages. Hiring a translator to translate your blog is cost prohibitive for most bloggers, running $50-$250 for each language per post.
Announcing, Free Service for Local Businesses
I’m excited to announce a new free service I developed for local businesses, Local Search is one of the newest verticals in the search industry bringing with it the convergence of offline (local) businesses and online search. has a real solution to one of the biggest problems facing local businesses: online customer reviews. Breaks the Search Engine Mold
With the SearchMe beta announced last week, and my invitation to participate arriving today, has arrived to change up the playing field of Search Engines. Will it be successful? I think its new and fresh search engine interface will make a lot of heads turn. Here are 3 areas where SearchMe has broken the […]
Free SEO Tool: XML Sitemap Ping Tool
All the major search engines (Google, Yahoo!, MSN/Live, and Ask) use the XML Sitemaps protocol for getting URLs from websites. Of course they all still use good old-fashioned crawling, but the XML sitemap can be helpful for getting new content indexed quicker and also helping spot errors using other tools the search engines offer. Simply […]
Blended Search… Should We Care?
Michael and I had the opportunity to attend the SMX (Search Marketing Expo) last week in sunny Santa Clara, CA. It was a shame to spend those 60-degree days inside, especially since I come from the cold, white Rocky Mountains, and we spend as little time as possible outside this time of year. But for […]
What's New with Yahoo! and Google
Some exciting things have been happening in the world of search. At SMX West last week, Yahoo! announced their Open Search Platform. This was the talk of the town at SMX, and a novel idea from Yahoo. Basically, instead of just being able to somewhat control your search engine snippet with your title tag and […]
Free Backlink from
Everyone’s always looking for a free backlink with lots of link juice, and I’ve got a great one for you (not nofollow’ed either). Although the page itself doesn’t have an updated PageRank yet (PageRank 0), the domain itself, has a PageRank of 9, so you can expect it to carry a lot of great […]
Learn SEO Basics: Internal Anchor Text
This is one of those things that is somewhat obvious but often overlooked when doing SEO. I’ve discussed previously about Anchor Text for Backlinks, but what about the anchor text of links between the pages of your site? To prevent from boring you, I will be going beyond the lecture about not using links with […]
Don't be a Victim of Online Fraud
Due to all the mortgage fraud around here, and throughout the country, there have been public service announcements popping up, to better “educate” us about the dangers of fraud. Fraud seems to be a part of life, with new ploys being developed all the time to take advantage of trusting individuals. The last comment of […]
Showcase of the Best Search Engine Marketing Posts
Learning all there is to learn in Search Engine Marketing is no easy feat. There’s no real text book, and if there was it would be outdated right after it was published I’m sure. The best place to get the best information in Search Marketing is from immersing yourself in the blogs of SEO and […]
SEO and the Presidential Candidates, Part 2
With the Presidential primaries well under way, it’s time for a follow-up to my March 2007 post about how the Presidential candidates rate for SEO. Conveniently the same top 3 candidates in both parties are both considered the top 3 candidates, so I’m going to stick with the same in my new analysis (Democrats: Barack […]
24 Hour Site Indexing Works Again
I created a new site on Friday, and by Saturday exactly 24 hours later it was in Google’s Index. I posted about this just over a month ago in my post, 7 Steps to Get Your New Site Indexed in 24 Hours. I had a lot of comments about whether or not Adwords was necessary, […]
Merry Christmas From SoloSEO
From the folks at SEO to you and yours, Merry Christmas. It’s a time to not only remember what the reason for the season is, but to make a change in ourselves for the better. Be a better father, mother, husband, wife, sibling, and friend. More time for family and what matters most. Be kind, […]
Paid Links are Bad, No Good, No Bad…
Michael Gray doesn’t know who I am, I don’t expect him to. We sat next to each other one day at lunch during Pubcon, he is a polite, engaging guy, with obviously tons of knowledge in SEO/SEM field. I enjoyed Michael’s many interviews on Local search, and learned much from his posts. He has earned […]
What I learned from PubCon 2007
You can read all about the PubCon sessions, but you may not have enough time to go through each session. Plus, just by reading the recaps it’s tough to find the gems, the nuggets of knowledge, that were shared. So…I thought it would be helpful to share with you what stood out to me as […]
Best PubCon 2007 Swag
We had a great time at PubCon and I got several great gems and tips for SEO and SEO tools. Many of you conference goers know there is always lots of swag (freebies, promos, giveaways) given out at these shows, so it is good to have a backpack or bag. I thought it would be […]
Specialized Search is Simple Economics
There has been much speculation about how personal and local search, which I term “Specialized Search,” will affect search marketing strategies in the future. Although it feels recent, the discussion of more specialized search systems really started to heat up back in 2004, when Google’s Sergey Brin made comments concerning Google’s foray into Specialized Search […]
Local Search is Changed Forever – Now Google Knows Where You Are
Instead of showing you restaurants, hotels, and stores related to your keyword search, now Google automatically knows where you are at. How?
Introduce Yourself at PubCon and Get Some Swag
If you’re not going to PubCon, you’re missing out on a great conference. Aaron and I will both be there again this year, and we’d love for you to introduce yourself to us. As a bonus (or a bribe I guess) we’ll give you some swag (freebies, promos, giveaways)! And for the first 50 to […]
7 Steps to Get Your New Site Indexed in 24 hours
Most SEO’s will advise you to buy an existing site/domain (lots of age benefit), but there are times when you need to start from scratch with a fresh domain. It can sometimes take a couple of weeks to get a new domain indexed by Google (even longer to start ranking!). In order to speed up […]
How To Profit From Site Images
The other day we were leaving a soccer game for my 6 year old boy. My 2 year old wasn’t quite happy with her perceived lack of playground time, and she expressed her upset quite loudly, while she thrashed around. I calmly (kind of) chased her down, picked her up and lovingly wrestled her into […]
IndexRank – A New SEO Metric of Indexing Rate
How do you measure the success of your content strategy? How do you compare your website’s growth with your competitors?
What the Customer Actually Wanted
The Fate of the Keywords Meta Tag: Misspellings
Meta Tags were once a major player in SEO. With the advancement of search engine algorithms, meta tags become less and less significant. The description meta tag is still used for your search engine snippets, but the keywords meta tag has been disregarded by all the major search engines.
In SEO – Be A Tortoise, Forget the Hare.
On Aaron Wall’s site, Aaron Wall makes a statement which makes me chuckle every time I read it, not because it isn’t somewhat true, but because I can imagine how it must drive others crazy. Aaron states,
Instant Testimonial Page, Just Add Blog Post
Recently I noticed a few backlinks to our blog coming from HitTail, a long tail keyword tool. Instead of being some spammer that puts up a temporary post that pings our blog, HitTail is collecting “testimonials” about their service from virtually any blog (that pings it), and delivering this list in a nice clean way. […]
Learn SEO Basics: Long Tail Keywords
As you’re learning about search marketing and SEO, you will definitely run into the phrase “the long tail”. Let’s turn this odd term into a familiar one by looking into long tail keywords.
Image Isn’t Everything, But It Is Something.
Taking a look at the corporate logs in the image to the left, how do you feel about those brands? Do you feel anything? Much in marketing is focused on influencing the public’s perception of our companies, our products and our brand. We want others to think our products/services are high in quality, a good […]
Doing Good, with Good Content, is Great Branding
Earlier this year I wrote about Doing Good As LinkBait, specifically about a movie theater company giving a discount to our troops. Last week I also wrote about how great content is really at the heart of SEO. Well, Xerox has gone out of their way to “do good” by creating, where on their […]
Can you do SEO with just Content?
Michael Martinez has a great blog called SEO Theory and recently wrote about the myth about search engines favoring large domains. When I read this my first thought was it was a response to Rand’s post (from the day before) about Why it pays (in search) to be big and popular compared to small and […]
Where are your priorities in SEO?
If you are a small business and you don’t read the Small Business SEM blog, it’s time to start. Matt McGee is one of my favorite SEO bloggers out there, he shares great search marketing insights and great finds in all of his blog reading. A recent post that was really a letter to small […]
Bite Size Online Marketing Efforts
A good portion of our blog readers are small business owners looking to grow their business by expanding their online efforts, or just getting started with their online efforts. Obviously we think this is extraordinary, as we are essentially doing the same thing, and learning as we go. When we started launching the online side […]
Is a Customer Ever Wrong?
The simple answer is yes, there are times when the customer is wrong, but that doesn’t really matter much in the end. We still have to deal with the situation and attempt to make the most of it, while not further upsetting and potentially losing a client. This can be very tough for some, I […]
The 3 Legs Intro to SEO – A SoloSEO Sketchcast
Patrick Gavin of TLA and some others launched today, and I was in on the beta testing. I created a SEO tutorial that helps people get started with SEO, which you can view below. And don’t forget to try out sketchcasting yourself!
Unexpected Features Gives Product Passion
I took up running about a year and a half ago, starting with a 4K. I’m hoping next year to run the St. George marathon with Aaron. Being a gadget guy, and an Apple guy, I asked my wife for the iPod Nano and Nike+iPod kit for Christmas. This gadget tracks how far and fast […]
SEO Strategies for Specific Markets
Even with the best SEO tools at our finger tips, our sites cannot perform well if we don’t optimize our sites to perform within specific online markets. We talk much about how SEO is a process, and it is, the steps are the same for every site, but what we focus on within the SEO […]
Hey Businesses… Its about Blogging time.
A good friend of mine, Thayne Peterson, called up yesterday and asked what he should do with his website to just help it perform a bit better. As you can imagine we get that question quite a bit around here, especially now that more people have kind of figured out what SoloSEO is about. This […]
It’s All About the Experience
Marketing, in whatever form, is all about the experience. This is the why behind how link bait and viral marketing work.
The Marketing 4 Ps and SEO
Much of a discussion on marketing can be broken down into what is termed “The Marketing Mix, or the 4 Ps” namely; Product, Price, Place, Promotion. Product being the service or product we sell, Price being the retail price a customer will pay for the product, Place being the locale where the product is purchased […]
When the First Result Is Not the Best Result
You have probably tried Google’s “I’m Feeling Lucky” button before. But what if you based your business and purchasing based solely on getting the first result of a query?
When a Good Domain Name is Bad
I just moved to Southern Utah (hence the lack of posts). We found a nice local furniture store, Boulevard Home Furnishings, that everyone calls “The Boulevard”. They seem to do everything right, the perfect furniture store. They have car shopping carts for the kids, candy for the kids, bottled water for the adults, sales people […]
Discount or Ignore Paid Links
There has been some post and comments lately which have expressed frustration with Google’s attempts to discount the referral power of links purchased to bolster rankings. Why people have a problem with this makes no sense to me. I personally don’t have a problem with any SE discounting paid links. Why wouldn’t they attempt to […]
SEO – Vital to Small Business
To small business owners, SEO cannot be seen as the “end all – be all” to their potential success, but it rightfully should be considered a “must do” in order to maximize their full business potential. Based on our own situation, and finally deciding ourselves we needed to spend time on SEO, we now understand […]
Stay Online Stupid…
Mike Moran’s post today, entitled Should Small Business Ditch the Web? discusses, well… I was going to say an “interesting point,” but I think instead I will say “ridiculously obvious point.” Mr. Moran essentially uses some of this post as a rebuttal to a comment to a prior post, by someone with the screen name […]
You may have noticed…
You may have noticed a little slow down in our blog posting rate. I’ve been finishing my degree and it has been crunch time for a few weeks. I am in the middle of moving now, so my posting will be light over the next two weeks. I’m headed from Missouri (where I am now) […]
The Increasing Importance of Content
To really get an understanding of what good content is about and why it is so important, Copyblogger is a great site to visit. I subscribe to their blog and really find the advice and examples offered extremely helpful when it comes time for me to sit down and write. And because content will always […]
Hyphens and Underscores, Together at Last
Big news for small punctuation! reports that underscores will now be treated as word separators as hyphens have in the past. This might mean a little ranking change up (maybe we already saw this change in effect, or it could be occurring right now). Most wordpress blogs (and others) already use hyphens in the […]
Empty Title Tag = Google uses WHOIS data?
What happens if you leave your title tag blank? It’s a bit embarrassing, but I developed a site for a friend years ago and after a modification to the homepage earlier this year the title tag has been empty (note, I wasn’t doing SEO, just the site). I noticed this not from looking into the […]
Getting Started in Domaining (and a Domain Finding Trick)
I’ve been diving into domaining activities recently, mostly reading, some bidding, and some buying. It is a very interesting field, and it opens a lot of doors in terms of return on investment. You could develop a site with a domain and grow it, quickly resell it, or just let it sit and sell it […]
The Googlerithm
The Googlerithm is the “Google algorithm”, rolled into a single, catchy term. Ask a programmer what algorithm means, and he’ll probably tell you something like: “An algorithm is a set of instructions to accomplish a task.” In the case of Google’s algorithm, the task is to take a search term and end up with a […]
SEO “Blog Posters” vs “Article Bloggers”
Jakob Nielsen at has posted a thorough, authoritative article titled Write Articles, Not Blog Postings. I highly recommend the read for anyone who has a blog, hopes to have a blog, or reads blogs (did I leave anyone out?).
Why You Should Love Yahoo! Answers
Just over a year ago Danny sullivan said “Look out Wikipedia, Here Comes Yahoo! Answers”. Yahoo! Answers is becoming not only a great resource, but also a social network (who isn’t, right?). I like Yahoo! Answers because people ask real questions and often get a handful or more of responses.
7 Months to Get Past Google’s “Did you Mean…”
One of my early posts to the SoloSEO blog was How to Get Your Web 2.0 Brand Past the “Did you Mean” in Search, and I discussed how in Google if you searched for our brand name “soloseo” Google would come back and say “Did you mean: colosseo”. Well, it’s time to celebrate around here…we […]
How To Tell iPhone Visitors in Google Analytics
You’re either sick of hearing about the iPhone or you eat up anything said about it. I have gadgetitis, and so does Aaron, so we’ll be getting iPhones next week. If you’re a Mac user, the iPhone is a heaven sent, despite what others are saying. I’ve tried the Sidekick, Blackberry, and the Treo, all […]
Taking the Ordinary to Extraordinary
Stuffed animals have been around as far back as Ancient Egypt. Undoubtedly if you have kids you have a collection of them. Although stuffed animals are no longer stuffed with straw or beans, they haven’t really changed much at all over the years, until now. A new company has created the transformer of stuffed animals, […]
A Novel Link Building Technique – Optimize Existing Backlinks
Link Building is an essential aspect of SEO because of the weight that search engines, particularly Google, place on the democratic nature of links and the web. The anchor text of a link is a very important aspect of backlinks (anchor text write-up). Getting backlinks is always a challenge, especially backlinks that have helpful anchor […]